Class Action Lawsuit Against Platinum Equities

Links in the News:

Sept 15 2012: Platinum Equities faces ASC hearing -Calgary Herald

Sept 14 2012: Alberta Securities Commission alleges illegal distributions, prohibited representations and unfair practices in sales of securities by Platinum Equities Inc. - ASC site

Sept 14 2012: Calgary firm raised $58-million while misrepresenting facts to investors: regulatorThe Globe and Mail

Sept 14 2012: Alberta regulator accuses real-estate syndicator of illegal distributionsCanadian Business

Sept 14 2012: ASC alleges illegal distributions, prohibited representations and unfair practices in sales of securities by Platinum Equities Inc. – Sacramento Bee

Sept 12 2012Alberta Securities Commission – Notice of Hearing on Platinum EquitiesAlberta Securities Commission

Sept 10 2012:Class-action lawsuit launched against Calgary company - CBC


Sept 9 2012:Suit alleges building-management firm took at least $160 million from nearly 2,200 people - The Province

Key Dates:

Sept 12 2012: Alberta Securities Commission alleges illegal distributions, prohibited representations and unfair practices in sales of securities by Platinum Equities Inc.

Sept 6 2012: Class action suit filed against Platinum Equities, involving key figure from Concrete Equities. The players involved include Dave Humeniuk, who has been sanctioned by the Alberta Securities Commission, and carries a life time ban for offences related to the Real Estate Commission of Alberta. Mr. Humeniuk was sanctioned by Alberta Securities Commission (ASC) in January 2012, for not disclosing this ban in Offering Memorandums prepared while he was involved with Concrete Equities,Shariff H. Chandran, who has been convicted for misrepresenting himself as a realtor, and Riaz Mamdani. (SHARIFF H. CHANDRAN, also known as S.H. Chandran, Sri Chandran and Srinivansan Chandran)

Class Action Lawsuit Against Platinum Equities

June 25, 2012, McGuigan Nelson LLP filed an Action in the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta to advance a claim on behalf of all investors and/or limited partners and/or shareholders in the projects listed in the link below. If you were an investor in one or more of those projects, the Statement of Claim contemplates your investment loss and will be advanced on your behalf. They have separate sub-classes in the lawsuit for each investment, which is generally listed in the link below. The Statement of Claim names many more parties, to incorporate the various corporations at issue with each investment. This is being advanced upon a class action basis, which further contemplates sub-classes for each limited partnership.

McGuigan Nelson LLP Web Site Links:

09/14 ASC lays charges against Platinum Equities more

09/11 Summary of News Coverage - Platinum more
09/11 Hundreds of Investors Attend Town Hall Meeting more
09/10 Important Information about Platinum Equities Class Action Lawsuit more
09/10 CBC The National reports on Platinum Equities Class Action Lawsuit more
09/06 Platinum Class Action Statement of Claim being Amended more
09/06 Press Release relating to Platinum Equities Class Action Lawsuit more
09/05 Message to Dominion (Qualia V) and Lucaya Investors more
08/31 Platinum Class Action: Lucaya Sale more

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Greenbriar Place


  1. I don’t think there are many LP’s in this project. I don’t even know what I’ve invested in anymore(a raw piece of land?) Originally it was a Winter Club type project.
    Last discussion with Shariff was that they were hopeful of things moving forward when the new city council was elected.
    Because Shariff doesn’t want to violate our privacy (BS!! I suggest none of us have a problem knowing who our “partners” are)I requested that Shariff send out an email on my behalf inviting all of you to contact me.(surprise-it didn’t happen)
    I find him good one on one but he is very reluctant to meet with a group. I would like to force an update meeting for all LP’s.
    I would like to put together a contact list so that we can discuss concerns, issues, force a meeting etc. My contact info is Peter Bauer-(b) 290-3651

    1. Hi,
      Sending you this message to know if you are involve in Glenmore & Centre, dispute with Platinum Equities in Calgary . With Chitra and Shariff Chandran If you are I like to ad you to our group list together we can fight with low cost. Please get in touch with me at for full information.

  2. Platinum has this property for sale.

  3. Quite agree,hopefuly we'll have some news to post by next week on legal representative for ALL of Platinum investors. This will be a call to arms and we will need ALL on board to not only help punish those for wrong doing but also for FULL restitution from ALL guilty parties.
    February 16, 2011 1:09 PM

  4. Dominion Place Investors vs. Defendant Multus Investment Corporation (General Partner/Shariff Chandran) is scheduled for TUESDAY,MARCH 1, 2011 10:00 a.m. at Court of Queen's Bench, Calgary.
    Your attendance would be appreciated.

  5. Doug said...

    did you catch the article in the Calgary Herald business section today? "security regulators cracking down on fraud". Talks about ASC taking fraudsters to criminal court and getting jail time. Talks about Calgarian, Robert John Sellars being found guilty of lying to investors, received a two year sentence and was ordered to pay restitution of almost $2 million.

    a step in the right direction.couldn't come at a better time.

    February 23, 2011 10:04 AM

  6. My apologies to Shariff-I called him out for not having a meeting with Greenbrier LP's-there is a meeting scheduled
    P Bauer

  7. Dear Peter Bauer,

    Did you get your meeting since Thursday April 14, 2011 with your precious friend, Shariff Chandran?

  8. Re Aug 20-yes a group of LPs did meet with him.
    If you choose to call others names and make accustions why don't you man up and indicate your name.
    Lots of cowards on this site that don't say who they are.Pretty easy to hide behind anonimity.
    My compliments to those that say who they are-interesting that those that reveal their names are the ones that have meaningful input/comments.

  9. Aug 23-I'm not afraid to state my opinions and show my name yet I'm the coward. You must be a brain surgeon in real life.

    Are you even an LP? Why are you on the Greenbrier Blog? we have a contact list and are communicating. For not being a Greenbrier LP you sure seem to know a lot.

    If I don't side with "them" and am just a concerned investor wanting to protect my investment am I now a good guy destined to go to heaven?

    To anyone out there-fight for your own investment. Don't step up to do anything for the group because you'll have to put up with the abuse from those like Aug 23 that have all the answers and do nothing.
    Aug 23-continue your uninformed ranting and raving and abuse those that are actually trying to do something.
    Why don't you step up to the plate-you seem to have all the answers.
    To anyone out there, don't bother trying to approach this in a professional business like manner. Its not worth the abuse. Lets just keep fighting with each other. Calling people names is really going to get our investments back.
    Aug 23-you are a hero!! Keep being an idiot, doing nothing and hiding in cyber space.
    This is my last blog. i don't need this.have a nice day.

  10. interesting how the courageous Mr Aug 20/Aug 23 removed his Aug 23 post once Peter called him out.

  11. Pretty sure that when something that was there before is not there anymore, means it was removed.

  12. Shariff Chandran, Chitra Chandran and their

    conspirators do not deserve respect.

    They are human scum.

    You must work for Shariff Chandran and Chitra Chandran.

  13. AnonymousJan 18, 2012 10:42 PM

    To All Limited Partners of Platinum and Accolade Equities Inc., past and present of all projects, please join our litigation group by emailing

    first, your contact information to

    We shall advise you of what to do next after receiving your email first.


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.